Rookie (level 2)
BRICEVILLE, TENNESSEE, United States United States Member since Apr 20, 2009

My name is Amanda Duncan. I am 28 years old and I live in Briceville, TN. I am a HUGE Atlanta Braves Fan!! But, I am an EVEN BIGGER BRIAN McCANN FAN!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have been a HUGE fan of Brian’s since his debut with the Braves. I have watched nearly EVERY Braves game for the last 3 years. I am finally getting to go to my 1ST Braves game this year to watch him play in person. I am going on Monday, June 8th to watch Brian when he plays the Pittsburgh Pirates at Turner Field. I CAN’T WAIT!!! I wish that there was a way I could actually meet him in person and get his autograph while I’m at the game. That would be a DREAM COME TRUE for me. If he ever went to play for a different team it would break my heart and it would really be hard for me to continue watching the Braves like I do now. I would probably switch teams as well so I could continue watching him play.

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