Can the current Yankees really compare to the old classics?
The era of Babe Ruth was very different to todays Baseball. Back in those days, many players played just because they loved Baseball so much. Then money started to become more of a concern, and the climate changed. The current team, while very talented lack that same passion and love.
We all remember the classic and popular players such as Babe Ruth and Mickey Mantle, players who just seemed to be timeless in a way. Do you think that we will ever be looking at the current team in that same way or no? I have my doubts, but I know it's still possible.
No. Standards have changed. Players don't stay with a team from rookie to retiree. They use enhancement drugs... it's not the same as the "classic" days of baseball.
I disagree. There are plenty of players who would fit the old standards. they just aren't the ones you see on the front page signing multi-million dollar contracts. Out of a team of a dozen or more long term players you only hear about a couple, often the ones who do drugs and flitter from team to team like a bee in a field of flowers.