Boro's to perform or not?

Boro's to perform or not?

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londoner England Londoner
# 1

What do you reckon Boro's chances are for this season?

TimeToPlayBall United States Profile image 100x100
# 2

i'd say "fair" chances, but there's so many possible outcomes, who know's what'll happen? Either way, i'm looking forward to watching

JoeMontana South Africa Profile image 100x100
# 3

I think the team has a good chance at proving themselves this season. But I doubt they will occupy the top four positions.

rjames Canada Profile image 100x100
# 4

There are a lot of possibilities inside the field as well as for the team as a whole. New manager and some new players will make a change on the performance of the whole team. So lets just wait and see and the Boro's have prepared.

sportsfan United States Profile image 100x100
# 5

So it looks like they're going to lose Yakubu and gain Mido. It's probably best to let Yakubu go, since he's not happy about being on the team. Can't see how a player that doesn't want to be there, can play their best. Guess we'll have to see what effect this change has on team play.

Alecto England Profile image 100x100
# 6

Think they will do well, but not in the top 5 to be honest.

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