Gareth Southgate as coach

Gareth Southgate as coach

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Gizmo South Africa Profile image 100x100
# 1

What do you feel about Gareth Southgate succeeding as coach for the team, after Steve McClaren left for the England national team as coach? Do you think he will be able to make the transition, like many before him have made?

londoner England Londoner
# 2

In my opinion Soutgate is an excellent choice. As an active player he was one of the best defenders in the league and Steve McLaren brought him to Middlesbrough as his first choice. He was the captain of the team when they one the Carling Cup and should have all the respect he needs from the entire squad. This will be the best season ever for Boro.

JoeMontana South Africa Profile image 100x100
# 3

I think this was a wise choice, Southgate has established himself as authority in the team and has been with the team on their struggles and wins. Hope that he can make the transistion, but I think that he will make the fans proud.

TimeToPlayBall United States Profile image 100x100
# 4

Oh, I definitely see him succeeding well. Hopefully he'll be keeping the team on the right path, and we'll see some real results soon.

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