if all of Manchester United's roster went to a different team...

if all of Manchester United's roster went to a different team...

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PinchHitter United States Profile image 100x100
# 1

if all of Manchester United's players were traded to the same team, would you continue to follow Manchester United, or would you be following the team that the players reassembled at? Would you just go ahead and follow them both?

Joseph United States Profile image 100x100
# 2

Ah, yes. Well, I would follow any particular team if the changes were slow and organic. But I have never considered if they all moved at the same time. Essentially the team would just take on a new name, and Man Utd wouldn't be Man Utd anymore. I think I would be likely to go with the team, not the name.

tricityfan United States Profile image 100x100
# 3

Not that it would ever happen, but generally I go with a team because of its location so I would probably just stick to Manchester United no matter who was on the team. Most people want the team that best represents them the most which is mostly by city or country.

football fan... United States Profile image 100x100
# 4

Because I follow the team that represents my city and state, I would be very upset if that team just up and left, no matter what the reason. I've seen this happen with US sports before and it's not a good thing for the fans who have grown loyal to a team when they up and leave.

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