Frequently Asked Questions
I never received my activation code? How can I activate my account?
Your activation code was automatically e-mailed to you when you signed up. Please check if the activation mail could have ended up in your spam folder. It’s not uncommon that e-mails from previously unknown senders are seen as spam by e-mail filter programs.
I forgot my password. How do I log in now?
Don’t worry, just go to our password reset page to get a new password for your existing account.
Someone is being abusive and / or spamming in the forums. What can you do about it?
Submit a report at our contact page and we’ll block the abusive user.
How do I request a new site feature?
Try the quick contact form at our contact page and we’ll see what we can do about the request.
Can I bet real money at this site?
No, we only offer play-money (for fun) betting.
When I bet on a football match, is the betting outcome based on the full-time result or the final overtime result?
It’s the full-time result that counts for betting.
Can I guest post an article at your website?
Yes, please do if you have a previously unpublished sports article of good quality. But at the moment we cannot offer dofollow links in it, however.