Batting is one of the skills that any batsman should master because this is where their scores depended on batting. One of the special skills that they have to learn is a straight bat, or most commonly called a vertical bat. This kind of batting is based on the anticipated height of the ball once it reaches the batsman. By then, the position of the bat should vertically be aligned at the batsman.
How Straight Bat is Played?
Straight Bat is mostly played in ways that the batsman can accurately measure the ball from a straight back down direction. The vertical bat is known for being a defensive shot because it deflects the ball towards the bowler. This technique is also called a drive. You also need to learn to control over with the technique using the high leading elbow, so your elbow can direct the ball where you intend it to go.
How to Use your Feet during Straight Bat
Your first main goal is to have a mental control from doing the angular bat because this is the automatic defense that came into your mind first. Next is to slightly forward your foot where the bat gets compelled to. The player must position his front foot towards mid-off so it will allow him to stay inside the line.
Technical Points of the Check Drive
Once you’ve mastered the straight bat technique, then these elements would be the best option to score quickly. For instance, when you know to improvise on driving straight, you may be able to maintain and lengthen your hitting zone while turning the ball into a scoring shot. It will also make a big impact when you learned to improvise on the leg side to prevent from losing the ball.
Why Check Your Drive?
As mentioned, this shot is used as a defensive shot to prevent the other team from scoring. When the batsman is using a full swing bat, there’s a tendency that your wrist and elbow will collapse while mispresenting the ball. You have to play straight wherein your backswing has to be aligned with your high leading elbow position. With this position, you may be able to use a check-swing instead of a full swing.