With the John Lester sweepstakes officially over, and the Chicago Cubs the victor, one has to wonder why. First like his predecessor’s Roger Clemonsand Bruce Hurst two Red Sox aces before him Lester leaves a club with a winning history for a club with nothing to show. The Red Sox with three world titles in the past ten years compared to zero championships the Cubs have won. Never mind a world title or a visit to thepost season the Cubs haven’t put together any winning seasons compared to the Red Sox winning percentage since 2000. The Sox have won divisions,the infamous 1978 playoff loss to the Yankees but at least they were in one. The Cubs have finished down in the basement since their inception. Lester joins former Cubs Sammy Sosa, Ron Santo, Ferguson Jenkins, Billy Williams to done Cub uniforms but have nothing to show. Lester brings quite a resume to Chicago with three world titles and the reputation of being a stopper or so called ace of a staff.

Fan base wise Lester will leave one of the most passionate and intelligent fan bases in the world. Lester leaves Red Sox nation only to go to Chicago for what? The Cubs have finished no higher than fourth in their division the last five seasons. A far cry from from the high expectations that the red sox are expected to meet each year.Granted Theo has stocked up on young talent. The Cubs have probably the best and deepest farm system in all of baseball. They’re loaded with young arms. But look how many young studs the Sox have peddled off the past several seasons. Casey Kelly was the latest who was dealt to the Padres and yet has no resume. Highly regarded centerfielder Ray Fuentes was one of the highest rated prospects in baseball two years ago but has yet to complete a major league season. Prospects mean nothing a proven pitcher like Lester mean everything.

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