So, how will you know if you are too much into baseball?

You are too much into baseball when, even if it is off season, you are still subscribed to Baseball Weekly.

You are too much into baseball when you know who the first pitcher was in the seventh game of the World Series of ‘68.

You are too much into baseball when you still argue up to now whether or not Ichiro ought to have been qualified for Rookie of the Year.

You are too much into baseball when you still go to amateur ball games (perhaps your towns Little League) albeit you do not know anyone playing the game.

You are too much into baseball when most of your meals during summer consist of four-dollar cokes, four-dollar nachos and six-dollar hotdogs.

You are too much into baseball when you have season tickets for Spring Training.

You are too much into baseball if, at the instance that your spouse asks you where you would want to go on vacation this year, you say, “Boston, Baltimore, Cleveland, and Detroit”.

You are too much into baseball when during the last time you flew across the country, you actually intended to stop in Chicago to visit Wrigley Field.

You are too much into baseball when you have an Official Baseball Rulebook, and you actually understand the Infield Fly and Balk rules.

You are too much into baseball when you are still in search for the Todd van Poppel rookie card.

You are too much into baseball when you have scored a game.

You are too much into baseball when you search the Internet for websites dedicated to baseball and enjoy (and perhaps memorize?) the facts and trivia on the websites.

And, you are too much into baseball when you design your own baseball website.

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